Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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[Event Recording] Men's Shed Informational Meeting
The Scoop on Port Alberni
A small group of men gathered on February 17th to learn about what it takes to start a Men's Shed.
[Resource] Lovelorn seniors common prey for scammers, say fraud experts
Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association
Lovelorn seniors common prey for scammers, say fraud experts
[Report] The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada
Alzheimer Society
The Many Faces of Dementia in Canada
[Report] 2023 Healthy Aging- Alberta Summit Summary Report
Healthy Aging Alberta
2023 Healthy Aging- Alberta Summit Summary Report
[RECORDED WEBINAR] Social Prescribing: Learnings from the UK
Healthy Aging Alberta
In November 2023, 4 members of the Healthy Aging Alberta team had the opportunity to join a learning trip facilitated by the Canadian Institute of Social Prescribing to the UK.
[Resource] What is social prescribing and Conceptualizing and Implementing Social Prescribing Programs
Canadian Alliance for Social Connection and Health
Social prescribing is a healthcare approach where professionals refer patients to non-clinical services like exercise, art, or community activities to improve well-being.About this Report This report presents the perspectives gathered from the Social Prescribing Community of Practice located on Vanc
[Resource] Intervention time: What non-profits want funders and government to know about their data problem
The Philanthropist Journal
What non-profits want funders and government to know about their data problem
[Resource] A National Protocol for Homeless Encampments in Canada
Leilani Farha. Kaitlin Schwan
A National Protocol for Homeless Encampments in Canada: A Human Rights Approach
[Resource] This is what Alzheimer’s looks like: ‘It looks like me’
PBS News Hour
What does it feel like to be diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease? Pam Montana and Chris Hannafan offer their Brief but Spectacular takes on what it means to live with the disease and how their worlds have changed.
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