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Long COVID Survey

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Consent Form

Invitation and Purpose: Researchers with Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia are collaborating with Family Caregivers of BC and the Post-COVID Interdisciplinary Clinical Care Network to understand the experiences of unpaid caregivers providing care for people with Long COVID or who have Long COVID themselves. We aim to bring together unpaid caregivers, healthcare professionals, and research scientists to identify important gaps in knowledge to develop future research to address unpaid caregiver needs.


As participation in this study is limited, this brief survey is intended to learn more about your experiences in order to assist in recruiting a diverse group of participants.


Study Team: This study is being conducted by researchers from Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia. The team includes:


Principal Investigators:

Dr. Kaylee Byers, University Research Associate, Simon Fraser University

Stacey Dawes, Family Caregivers of BC



 Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol, Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University

 Dr. Julia Smith, Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University

Dr. Kiffer Card, Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University

Dr. Gina Ogilvie, Associate Professor, University of British Columbia

Alice Mürage, PhD Student, Simon Fraser University

Simran Purewal, Research Assistant, Simon Fraser University

Kayli Jamieson, Research Assistant, Simon Fraser University

Esther Khor, Post-COVID Interdisciplinary Clinical Care Network


Sponsor: This work is funded by Michael Smith Health Research British Columbia.


Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You are under no obligation to participate. If you choose to participate, you are providing consent for us to use the information you provide in recruitment of our study. Choosing not to participate in this survey will have no negative consequences to you.


Procedures: You will be directed to a brief online survey to share your experiences caring for someone with Long COVID or having Long COVID yourself. The survey consists of 14 questions and will take approximately 5 minutes of your time.


Risks: You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. By participating, you have not waived your rights to legal recourse in the event of research-related harm.


Benefits: The information you share will be used to inform study recruitment. This study will help to identify important knowledge gaps and inform a collaborative, co-created research project to address priority needs of unpaid caregivers in the province.


Payment: We will not pay you for the time you take to participate in this survey.


Confidentiality: Your confidentiality will be respected. The survey is conducted using Survey Monkey which stores data in Canada and is compliant with BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). This survey includes identifying information such as your occupation, age, gender, ethnicity, and caregiving responsibilities. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason. The information obtained from this survey will be stored on encrypted and password protected computer hard drives and will be shared securely among team members using Microsoft One Drive.

Find the Survey Here
View full release
  • Date

    May 01, 2023

  • By

    Pacific Institute on Pathogens, Pandemics, and Soceity


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