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Healthy Aging CORE British Columbia

The knowledge hub connecting organizations that support and advance independent living for older British Columbians.

Are you a British Columbian looking for information or assistance? Visit the 211 British Columbia helpline at bc.211.ca

Recent News

[News] FortisBC's Energy Conservation Assistance Program: Community Partners Offer

FortisBC's Energy Conservation Assistance Program: Community Partners Offer (ECAP CPO) works to reduce utility bills within income-qualified households while also providing an honoraria to social serv

[Survey] Living with a Life-Limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences

Statistics Canada is currently conducting a study called Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences. If you are living with a life-limiting illness or care for someone

Advancing Innovation in Aging: Key Learnings from Walk With Me 2024

Conference key learnings compiled to share widely and encourage ongoing reflection

Upcoming Trainings & Events

Webinars, workshops, conferences, symposia, and other training and events relevant to healthy aging are listed by date and also indicated on a monthly calendar. Training modules and curricula, archived webinars, and other training resources are also available in the Resources section.


Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

Learnings from the 2023 United Way British Columbia Social Prescribing Programs Co-Creation Sessions

Howegroup/United Way BC

Beginning in 2020, United Way British Columbia introduced 19 Social Prescribing (SP) programs across the province, spanning fourteen urban communities and five rural areas. From October 2020 to April 2023, UWBC collected data from these SP programs to assess their impact on older adults, and to eval

[Report] Generosity in Canada: The 2024 Generosity Index

Fraser Institute

Decline in generosity in Canada limits ability of Canadian charities to improvequality of life in their communities and beyond.

[Resource] Let’s Talk: Determinants of health

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

Current thinking about the social, ecological and structural determinants of health.


Discussion groups are where CORE participants can share information and stories, ask questions, learn, and collaborate. Open discussion groups can be accessed by any member of CORE; closed groups are available by invitation only.

Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives profiled on Healthy Aging CORE provide examples of the important work being done by local, provincial, and national organizations and the value of these programs and initiatives in promoting health and well-being and fostering resilience for older adults seniors.

About Us

Healthy Aging CORE (Collaborative Online Resources and Education) is a platform to connect local, regional, provincial, and national non-profit, government, and academic organizations and coalitions that focus on programs, services, policies, practices, and research aimed at supporting older Canadians to age in place in their homes and communities.
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Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE BC e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the country.

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