Poverty Reduction Public virtual townhall meetings (BC REGIONS)
Public virtual townhall meetings
Thomson-Okanagan, Cariboo, Chilcotin, Northern BC, Mainland/Vancouver Coast, Kootenay Rockies
We encourage anyone with an interest in poverty reduction to share their views in a virtual regional townhall meeting. These sessions are held on Zoom.
Registration is open now. Please register for the session closest to where you’re located whenever possible. Registering ensures we have the right amount of notetakers and facilitators for each session.
REGISTER HERE https://engage.gov.bc.ca/povertyreduction/virtual-townhall-meetings/
These Town Halls will be regionally focused to centre the experiences and input of communities across the province. Each session will include a brief introduction and background, with the focus being on facilitated conversations.
Large groups may be broken into smaller discussion groups to ensure everyone can share their thoughts.
Accessibility supports
Accessibility supports, including CART Live Captioning Services and American Sign Language interpretation will be provided at all sessions. Please email BCPovertyReduction@gov.bc.ca if you require these accommodations (to ensure we set up breakout rooms appropriately) or other accommodations so we can ensure everyone can fully participate and collaborate in our sessions.
Apr 02, 2023
British Columbia
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