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Seeking Presenters for OACAO 2023 Annual Conference

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The OACAO Conference Planning Committee would like to invite leaders, educators, researchers, managers, seniors, and students to submit a proposal for presentation at our 50th Anniversary conference, AGING WELL: Engaging, Building, Strengthening, to be held in-person Monday, October 23rd and Tuesday October 24th, 2023 in Mississauga.

Presenting at the 2023 OACAO 50th Anniversary Conference provides you with an opportunity to share and exchange new approaches and information in the areas of older adults and Seniors Active Living Centres (SALCs). You will gain recognition as an expert in the field at the conference and beyond. With our return to an in-person event and being an anniversary year, we expect attendance of over 150 staff & volunteer leaders as conference delegates from all over Ontario.

This year’s theme Engaging, Building, Strengthening, speaks to the strength and resilience of our sector, and it sets the stage for growth into the next 50 years. The OACAO Conference encourages personal and professional development through inspiring and informative learning experiences. Proposals should support one of the following streams but are not limited to the topics listed. Relevant proposals will be considered for all streams:

  1. Innovative Programming and Partnerships: Innovative and Creative Programs, Services & Community Partnerships; Indoor and Outdoor Programs; Active, Mind/Body, or Artistic Programs: Initiatives to Reduce Older Adult Social Isolation; Programs that address physical wellbeing and mental health; and Social Prescribing.
  2. Municipal Sector Older Adult Centres/SALCs: Innovative Program and Events; Age-Friendly and Inclusive Communities; and Post-Pandemic Recovery.
  3. Not-for-profit Sector Older Adult Centres/SALCs: Innovative Programs and Events; Partnerships & Collaboration; Board Governance / Centre Leadership; and Policy Development i.e. ONCA , AODA.
  4. Capacity Building and Sustainability: Rebuilding Volunteer Programs; Strategic Planning for Sustainability; Marketing and Outreach to isolated seniors; Fund Development and Grant Procurement; and Anti-Oppression, Anti-Racism, Cultural Sensitivity, and Inclusion topics.
  5. Management & Leadership: Coaching Strategies for Leadership; Management & Leadership Challenges i.e., conflict resolution; Performance Measures/Accountability; How to balance your budget with rising costs; and Employee Retention and Resilience initiatives.

Presentation Formats

A. Workshop Presentations – English

Sessions delivered in English that are between 30 minutes – 75 minutes in length and should allow for a presentation, interaction, and question & answer period or discussion with participants. Workshop presentations will take place on Monday October 23, 2023.

B. Workshop Presentations – French

Sessions delivered in French that are between 30 minutes – 75 minutes in length and should allow for a presentation, interaction, and question & answer period or discussion with participants. Workshop presentations will take place on Monday October 23, 2023.

C. Keynote Presentations

Keynote presentations 30 – 60 minutes in length and should include an in-depth presentation with interactive pieces for delegates i.e., group discussion/question and answer period. Keynote presentations might take place on Monday or Tuesday morning with full-delegate participation.

D. Diversity Panel Presentation

This event will be a panel presentation to develop equity, inclusion and understanding within older adult centres. Including what to do to create a more culturally sensitive environment, understanding bias, as well as welcoming and supporting newcomer and refugee older adults.

E. Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks are quick 7 – 10 minute presentations that are intended to share creative ideas and trends, innovative solutions, and inspiring approaches for cutting edge, “think outside of the box” results to programming and senior services. These are high level presentations meant to share the most important information quickly. Lightning talks will take place on Tuesday with full-delegate participation.

F. Networking Breakout Sessions

Workshop-style group activity designed for problem solving, focused around a current “hot topic of interest” 30 – 45 minutes. Networking Breakout Sessions will take place on Monday afternoon. Facilitators should be able to lead an interactive discussion-based session with a short presentation to set the stage for conversation followed by a collaborative networking session.

G. Video Submissions

Does your centre or group have a video showcasing your centre or special program? Have your video showcased at this year’s conference. Complete the registration form and we will contact you about submitting your video.

Application for Presenters

Interested applicants should complete the online application form at: https://forms.gle/hot95tgrawvPhCBRA. If applicants require an alternative format for submission, please contact: info@oacao.org

NEW Submission Deadline: May 12, 2023. All submissions will be reviewed by the Conference Program Committee which will select the most relevant submissions. Only successful applicants will be informed by mid-July. Please ensure all contact information is current and correct, updating us with any changes ASAP. The primary contact person listed will be the only individual contacted regarding a submission.

We welcome the interest of presenters who wish to participate in additional sessions or opportunities included in the OACAO Virtual Conference. Please contact the Conference Committee with inquiries at info@oacao.org.

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  • Date

    May 01, 2023

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