United Way Lower Mainland Celebrates BC Seniors’ Week!

Throughout BC Seniors’ Week (June 2-8, 2019), United Way of the Lower Mainland (UWLM) is celebrating the older adults of our province by profiling seniors who have been impacted by Community-Based Seniors’ Services (CBSS) sector initiatives and programs that support healthy and happy aging, and by showcasing the work of CBSS leaders to build capacity and improve collective impact.
During the week, make sure to follow UWLM on Twitter: @uwlm and Facebook: @UnitedWayoftheLowerMainland to hear from the people who have been touched by these programs, including Better at Home, Active Aging and Choose to Move.
On June 6th, UWLM will host an event to showcase the final projects of this year’s 10 Project Impact Healthy Aging teams. An intensive developmental evaluation course focused on programs for older adults, Project Impact Healthy Aging increases non-profit organizations’ capacity to “prove and improve” their impacts in community. The course is offered by Dr. Steve Patty of Dialogues in Action and is funded by BC’s Ministry of Health.
- June 6th, 2019 from 4:30 to 7:30PM
- Vancouver Community College (VCC) 1155 East Broadway (Mezzanine Level) Vancouver, BC
- Parking: See map
- Skytrain: Millennium Line to VCC-Clark Station
- 4:30 PM: Doors open/networking – drinks available
- 5:00 PM: Project Impact Healthy Aging Showcase begins
- 6:00 PM: Showcase ends – opportunity to review in-depth project reports – appetizers and drinks available (please note: gluten free and vegetarian options available)
- 7:30 PM: End of event
May 27, 2019
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE BC e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the country.