BC 211

February 11 is National 211 Day. The 211 service connects people with information and resources in their local communities. The purpose of National 211 Day is to educate people about the services and resources that are available to them through 211, and to highlight the benefits of using this free referral service. In the province of British Columbia, https://bc211.ca/ a comprehensive directory of community, health, and government services in the province. You can search for the services you need by entering keywords or browsing through different categories, such as housing, income support, health care, and more. The website also provides detailed information about each service, including contact information and hours of operation. BC 211 can help connect seniors to resources that can help with:
Home care and support
Meals on Wheels and community kitchens
Transportation services
Financial and legal assistance
Mental health and addiction support
By connecting seniors with these resources, 211 can help improve seniors quality of life and support independence. The service is free and available 24/7, making it a convenient and accessible resource for seniors who need help navigating the complex network of social services. British Columbian's that are in need of connecting to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services are encouraged to call, text, or visit https://bc211.ca/.
British Columbia
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