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A message from Kahir Lalji, Provincial Director - United Way Healthy Aging

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Celebrating Older British Columbians During BC Seniors' Week – June 5 – 11, 2023 

June 5th to 11th is Seniors' Week in BC – a time dedicated to celebrating the remarkable contributions of older British Columbians. During this week, we shift our focus towards keeping older British Columbians active, connected, and engaged, while recognizing their vast wealth of knowledge, experiences, and valuable contributions. Furthermore, it is imperative to appreciate the individual strengths of seniors and how their lived experiences are of paramount value in shaping policy in the province of British Columbia. From their unwavering dedication, to volunteering, to their inherent resilience, we have much to celebrate. 

During Seniors' Week, we highlight the importance of keeping older individuals active, connected, and engaged. Older British Columbians are not defined by their age alone; they are vibrant individuals with a wealth of expertise and diverse talents. They bring unique perspectives and insights, accumulated over a lifetime of experiences. Their stories and achievements serve as a guiding force, shaping policies and creating a better future for all generations. 

We also recognize the immense value of their volunteer work. Older British Columbians generously give their time, energy, and skills to support their communities. Their commitment to making a positive difference is truly inspiring, and it is during this week that we acknowledge and applaud their invaluable contributions. 

The United Way Healthy Aging programs play a vital role in supporting older British Columbians. Healthy Aging programs enable seniors to live at home longer, remain physically active, and stay connected to friends while actively engaging in their communities. These programs include Better at Home, Therapeutic Activation Programs for Seniors (TAPS), Family & Friend Caregiver Supports, Social Prescribing, Navigation and Peer Support, Digital Learning Pilot Project, Safe Seniors, Strong Communities and Men's Sheds. For more information about these programs, please visit https://uwbc.ca/program/healthy-aging/ 

These programs are delivered locally by community-based service agencies, with 140 volunteer-driven, non-profit agencies currently delivering 212 Healthy Aging programs across communities in British Columbia. The impact of their work is substantial, and Seniors' Week is an excellent opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the valuable contributions of the Community-Based Seniors' Services sector. 

As we celebrate Seniors' Week, let us remember that older individuals are an integral part of our society. Their wisdom, guidance, and active participation enrich our communities and foster intergenerational connections. By embracing their talents and harnessing their potential, we create a more inclusive and vibrant society. 

Join us in commemorating Seniors' Week by engaging with and showing appreciation for older British Columbians. Reach out, listen to their stories, learn from their experiences, and acknowledge the immense value they bring to our communities and beyond. 

A message from Kahir Lalji, Provincial Director - United Way Healthy Aging  

To learn more about United Way's Healthy Aging programs and their initiatives promoting active aging and supporting older British Columbians, please contact us at healthyaging@uwbc.ca or visit our website dedicated to Healthy Aging at https://bc.healthyagingcore.ca/. 

View full release
  • Date

    Jun 06, 2023

  • By

    Kahir Lalji


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