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Application Open: Pro-bono Consulting for Non-Profits

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Build Capacity. Make an Impact.

Do you want to do more for those you serve, but have limited time, people and funds? If you are a small to mid-size non-profit and need assistance with strategic, marketing, organizational, or operational challenges, Endeavour can help. Their multidisciplinary teams of skilled volunteers provide top quality, innovative pro bono management consulting customized to your needs.

Application deadline: February 25th, 2023

Client Selection

Their Client Selection Committee carefully reviews project applications and conducts client interviews with selected candidates to determine their fit with Endeavour’s mission, expertise and approach.

Taking into consideration recommendations from their Advisory Committee, the Client Selection Committee makes the final decision on projects based on where Endeavour can make the greatest impact.

Apply Now

The online application cannot be saved partway through. We strongly recommend downloading a sample application to prepare your application in a separate text document prior to submitting your online application.

Apply Now
View full release
  • Date

    Feb 15, 2023

  • By

    Endeavour Consulting


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