Palliative Care ECHO Project - BC Provincial Hub

The ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes)™ model creates virtual knowledge-sharing networks by bringing together healthcare providers and subject matter experts using videoconference technology, brief lecture presentations, and case-based learning, fostering an “all learn, all teach” approach.
Project ECHO has been recognized globally as a successful intervention to improve patient care outcomes.
In partnership with Pallium Canada, BC Centre for Palliative Care (BCCPC) is the provincial hub in BC of the Palliative Care ECHO Project. The federally funded five-year initiative aims to cultivate communities of practice and establish continuous professional development among health care providers who care for patients with life-limiting illness.
BCCPC is looking to partner with BC organizations to support them in establishing ECHO programs. The aim being to equip BC health care providers with knowledge, skills, networking opportunities, tools and resources in order to provide earlier, more effective and more compassionate palliative care for BC patients and their families.
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Healthy Aging CORE Team
Dec 05, 2022
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