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[Report] Stronger Together: BC Non-profit Network Feasibility Study

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Report Summary

From August 2022 to March 2023, Vantage Point undertook a feasibility study to assess the BC non-profit sector’s interest and capacity to build a formal provincial network, and to identify the types of activities such a network could embark on together to achieve greater impact and visibility for the sector.

The results indicate there are common challenges and opportunities facing non-profit organizations across regions and sub-sectors in the province, that could be better addressed through a coordinated approach. Through this consultation process, Vantage Point learned there is interest from the majority of those consulted to explore the creation of a non-profit network in BC.

Download the Report Here >>

The following key points emerged from the consultation period: 

Support for a network in BC

Most stakeholders expressed interest and excitement at the idea of a non-profit network in BC, saying that a network could support their organizations, communities and/or the entire sector, and sharing specific ways a network could create added value.

Broad ideas around network activities

A network could facilitate access to resources and best practices, convene and connect organizations, strengthen coordinated advocacy, and help provide a voice to government for the sector. Additional activities were identified as of potential value for organizations and will be explored as the network is developed.

Varied ways organizations want to participate

The top three desired modes of participation in the network are:

  • participating in surveys and other opportunities to provide feedback
  • raising awareness through individual networks
  • joining boards or committees to support building and sustaining the network

Next Steps

Through 2023 – 2024 Vantage Point will convene stakeholders to develop:

  • a governance model for a network;
  • a Steering Committee to support with foundational planning: terms of reference, strategic priorities, and associated policies to ensure continuity and consistency;
  • coordinated outreach to non-profits to seek feedback on governance and potential committee structure; and
  • exploring a sustainable funding model, including a structure of membership dues, and avenues to participate for organizations with reduced financial capacity.

The full report can be downloaded from: thevantagepoint.ca/join/bc-nonprofit-network


For more information about this work, please reach out to our Sector Development Team.

File Attachments

1 2023-Vantage-Point-Feasibility-Study-Report.pdf
  • By

    Vantage Point

  • Published

    Jul 25, 2023

  • Subject Area
    • Non-profit / Charitable sector
  • Audience
    • Academics
    • Government (Politicians, Policy Makers) and Health Authorities
  • Category
    • Research & Reports


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