[Resource] Build More. Protect More. A New Affordable Housing Plan for BC

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Build More. Protect More. A New Affordable Housing Plan for BC
Housing Central is a partnership of member-driven organizations: the Aboriginal Housing Management Association, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC.
Together, we advocate on behalf of the community housing sector to ensure everyone has safe, secure, and affordable housing.
Community housing sector leaders working together to ensure everyone has an affordable home.
A new roadmap to solve the housing crisis by 2034
We’ve come a long way since the first Affordable Housing Plan for BC was released in 2017. Build More. Protect More. A New Affordable Housing Plan for BC addresses the dramatic changes we’ve seen in the affordable housing landscape, mapping out a detailed path to a brighter future where everyone has a safe, secure, and affordable home.
Make Housing Central
Sep 18, 2024
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