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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Promoting Seniors’ Well-Being: The Seniors’ Mental Health Policy Lens Toolkit

Penny MacCourt

The Seniors’ Mental Health Policy Lens has been designed to promote and support the mental health and well-being of all seniors. • It is a set of questions to identify (or predict) any direct or indirect negative repercussions of policies, programs and services (in place or proposed), on senior

An overview of healthy aging strategies in rural and urban Canada


The Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) conducted this environmental scan to document healthy aging frameworks and interventions across Canada at the federal and provincial/territorial levels of government. The purpose of this environmental scan is to document the c

Accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (ASNPO)

Chartered Professional Accountants Canada

Discover a wealth of education, information and resources related to accounting standards for private enterprises. Apply filters to narrow your results for publications, CPA Magazine articles, courses, webinars, blogs and more.

Care receivers in Canada, 2018

Statistics Canada

The 2018 General Social Survey on Caregiving and Care Receiving collects information on Canadians who provide care to family and friends with a long-term health condition, disability or problems related to aging. The survey also covers individuals who receive this care and about the challenges both

Canada Revenue Agency Quick Links

Canada Revenue Agency

CRA Outreach provides information on tax measures, filing, credit and benefits entitlements to Indigenous Peoples, Seniors, Newcomers, Persons with Disabilities, Youth and lower income Canadians.  CRA has tools and resources available to assist individuals in applying for the credits and benefits t

Support Received by Caregivers in Canada

Darcy Hango

This Statistics Canada study uses the 2018 General Social Survey – Caregiving and Care Receiving (Cycle 32) to examine the types of support provided to caregivers.

Integrating Health and Transportation in Canada

Transportation Association of Canada

Traditionally, transportation systems have been designed for motorized vehicles to move people, goods and services efficiently. Excluding more active and sustainable modes of travel from these systems in meaningful ways has often influenced Canadians to use motorized vehicles. The design of transpo

Health Reports: Life expectancy differs byeducation and income levels

Statistics Canada

A new study released today in Health Reports uses the 1996 and 2011 Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts to examine life expectancy and health expectancy of the Canadian population aged 25 or older. Results show that in both cohorts, people with higher levels of education or higher income

Caregiver Self-Assessment


Caregiver Self-Assessment checklist


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