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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Commentary] Building the social prescribing student movement in Canada

HPCDP Journal, Government of Canada

Alongside the rapid expansion of the social prescribing movement around the world, a global network of student champions has emerged to build the social prescribing student movement.

Pride Season

Government of Canada

Pride resources for Canadians

[Article] It's Men's Health Month! Take charge of your well-being

McMaster University

Tips and Recources for Men's Health

[Podcast] Life and Times of Karrie-Lynn, Two-Spirit Knowledge Keeper and Residential School Survivor

Native Calgarian

Stories like this are important to hear to understand the issues and trauma Indigenous and 2SLGBTQIA+ older adults may have experienced that affect their lives today, the health issues they are experiencing, and the systemic barriers they still face

[Award Nomination] Peter Henderson Bryce Award

First Nations Child and Family Caring Society

This award honours the work of health professionals who have overcome personal and professional challenges and risks to stand up for the rights of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children.

[Podcast] Supporting Family Caregivers in Healthcare Through Research, Education and in Practice with Dr. Jasneet Parmar (Episode 94)

Caregiver's Compass

Caregivers are aware there are significant gaps in our healthcare system, yet some of the answers to these gaps are found in supporting and providing education to the healthcare workers on the front lines

[Report] The role of faith-based organisations in developing age-friendly communities

Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group (MUARG)

Faith-based spaces are important community assets. They are a critical form of social infrastructure and often already provide important services to older people.

NRC AGE Questionnaire

Design for Public Health Lab- Carlton University

Survey looking for responses from residents of Canada who are 65+ years old and have travelled by air in the last 5 years.

[Article] Preventable hospitalizations and deaths ‘of despair’ associated with income inequality

University of Alberta

Prevention and support programs should be targeted to regions with highest social inequities, researchers say.


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