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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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On Aging Canadian Conversations: Aging from an Indigenous Perspective with Dr. Pamela Williamson

Healthy Aging CORE Canada and HelpAge Canada

Dr. Williamson is a member of the Moose Deer Point First Nation and Sturgeon clan. She was raised and returned to Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island) where she currently resides. Pamela advocates for the priorities of seniors and looks forward to discussing the health issues and priorities of indigen

Stretch Lift or Tap (SLoT) Program

Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto

The Stretch Lift Tap (SLoT) program is a philosophy and a set of tools designed to encourage older adults to embed functional exercise in their daily activities. Learn more

Engaging in meaningful activities outside of care settings: What’s the impact on people with dementia?

McMaster University

Dementia is a progressive condition, meaning it worsens as time goes on. These days, there is a great deal of support for aging in place, and with adequate resources, this can certainly be achieved. However, for some folks diagnosed with dementia, there may come a time when their needs can no longer

What We Heard - Provincial Consultation on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

1) Engagement and collaboration at multiple levels CBSS, EM, HA, local government all have important roles/responsibilities in planning and response Engage other key players- eg. seniors groups; landlords, building managers,  tenants’ organizations; families/caregivers; disability organizatio

Toolkit: Extreme Heat social media toolkit

BC Ministry of Health

Last year’s unprecedented heat dome highlighted the need to be better prepared for heat-related emergencies. To help citizens get ready, and prepare to cope, PreparedBC released an extreme heat preparedness guide. The resource provides advice on heat planning, including how to prepare your home,

Report: Extreme Heat and Human Mortality: A Review of Heat-Related Deaths in B.C. in Summer 2021

British Columbia Coroners Service (BCCS)

Extreme heat events (EHE) are also described in the literature as “heat waves” or “heat domes”. A heat dome occurs when an area of high pressure stays over the same area for days or even weeks, trapping very warm air underneath - rather like a lid on a pot*. The definition of an extreme heat

Recorded Podcast: CharityVillage Connects - How Bill S-216 Could Transform the Canadian Non-Profit Sector Forever


In our last episode of CharityVillage Connects, which explored alternative revenue streams for nonprofits, we touched on a piece of legislation that, if enacted, could have a dramatic impact on how charities do their work.   Bill S-216, otherwise known as the Effective and Accountable Charities

On Aging Canadian Conversations: Elder Abuse from an Ethnocultural Perspective with Anne Caines

Healthy Aging CORE and HelpAge Canada

Ann is proud to be one of the founding members of RECAA an organization of elders from Montreal’s cultural communities who work across age, gender and ethnic lines to raise awareness of elder mistreatment and to promote a culture of respect for elders in all our communities. RECAA uses participato

On Aging Canadian Conversations: ParticipACTION for older Canadians with Dr. Leigh Vanderloo

Healthy Aging CORE

Dr. Vanderloo is working as the Knowledge Translation Manager at Participaction. Since 1971, ParticipACTION has been inspiring and supporting people living in Canada to make physical activity a vital part of their everyday lives. Dr. Vanderloo shares healthy lifestyle tips for older adults.


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