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CANADA | Feb 10, 2025

[News/Video] 'Men's Shed' providing a supportive space for Innisfail men

The group Men's Shed Canada is providing spaces for men to bond over their life experiences, socialize and work on projects that benefit their communities.


United Way Lower Mainland Celebrates BC Seniors’ Week!

Throughout BC Seniors’ Week (June 2-8, 2019), United Way of the Lower Mainland (UWLM) is celebrating the older adults of our province by profiling seniors who have been impacted by Community-Based S

New Data Release: Non-profit institutions and volunteering: Economic contribution, 2007 to 2017

Economic activity in the non-profit sector totalled $169.2 billion in 2017, representing 8.5% of Canada's gross domestic product (GDP). Community non-profit institutions accounted for 16.4% of the

BC Seniors Advocate releases report: Monitoring Seniors Services 2018

The Seniors Advocate today released Monitoring Seniors Services 2018. The annual report examines a range of services and supports and measures whether they are keeping pace with the increased demand o

New social prescribing pilot launched in Ontario

Ontario's Alliance for Healthier Communities is piloting a Social Prescribing project in 11 diverse Community Health Centres (CHCs) to adapt and measure its impacts in an Ontario context. Running from

Program to ease loneliness for Richmond County seniors wraps up

A yearlong project to ease loneliness and depression for Nova Scotia seniors in Richmond County wraps up this fall. The Mind Body Spirit project set up pilot programs to bring seniors out of isolatio


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