Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Connecting Seniors: Transitioning Through Life’s Losses
Allies in Aging
This webinar explores how we can understand and help others as they transition through their life's losses. It can be viewed here.
- Identify the central needs of those who are mourning - Appreciate different grieving styles and losses
- Learn about the emotional reactions of grief
Relieving the Burden of Navigating Health and Social Services for Older Adults and Caregivers
Laura Funk
In this IRPP Policy Paper the author argues that navigation problems are rooted in the structures and operations of existing care systems, as well as the downloading of administrative and coordination tasks to individual patients and their families. In the author's view, navigation work must be tra
Is Mitigating Social Isolation A Planning Priority For British Columbia (Canada) Municipalities?
BC Centre for Disease Control
This report describes the results of a survey on the level of municipal built environment planning in regards to social isolation, inclusion, and vulnerability in municipalities in BC.
Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit
Dr. Shannon Jarrott
The Intergenerational Evaluation Toolkit represents over 15 years of collaborative research by Dr. Jarrott and is a companion piece to two reports from Generations United and The Eisner Foundation on intergenerational shared sites.
The Toolkit offers three resources designed to meet the needs of pr
ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Adults
ParticipACTION has released the first-ever Report Card on Physical Activity for Adults in Canada. Led by a team of Canadian researchers and stakeholders in the field of adult physical activity, the Adult Report Card represents a comprehensive synthesis of the literature and national surveys. The Adu
Seniors’ Housing: Examples of Successful Developments in BC
Josh Cook
This review was prepared by Josh Cook for the Community Based Seniors Services Provincial Working Group on Seniors Housing (October 2019). It includes descriptions of seven innovative seniors' housing developments in BC.
Walk & Be Seen: Pedestrian Visibility Projects Report and Toolkit
Sabina Harpe & Lynn Shepherd
The Project Report summarizes a project that was designed to 'train the trainer,' where those trained were representatives of various seniors-serving organizations. With free pedestrian visibility gear and craft materials provided by grant funding, the authors were able to schedule events for the tr
Connecting Older Adults: Exploring 6 Key Risk Factors for Social Isolation
Allies in Aging
Connecting Older Adults: Exploring 6 Key Risk Factors is a virtual learning module for volunteers and service providers who work with seniors.
Volunteers and service providers who work with older adults - watch this webinar to learn how vitally important social connections are to seniors’ well-be
Vital Signs 2019: A Snapshot of Community Participation in BC
Vancouver Foundation
This report examines community participation in British Columbia as a part of a national effort among community foundations in Canada to shine a light on the issues that matter to communities. In July 2019, the Vancouver Foundation surveyed 7,980 British Columbians to learn more about the state of
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