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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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PlanH Active Communities Tool

Plan H

This tool is a conversation starter for local government staff looking for efficient and clear processes to successfully implement healthy community policies. Use it to help guide decision-making as you work towards a healthier community for all. Active living can have broad community benefits, inc

BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit

Rural Coordination Centre of BC

Video Recordings from the 2020 BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit

Webinars: Rethinking Your Strategy Series - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3


Rethinking Your Strategy was a 3-part series hosted by the United Way of the Lower Mainland with Dialogues In Action (DIA). A description of the series and more information on each session can be found in the attached Series Description below. Session 1 – June 25, 2020. The Opportunity of a Crisi

Tips: Avoid Frailty

Canadian Frailty Network

The Canadian Frailty Network has developed these resources as part of their Avoid Frailty campaign - 2 informative brochures and a shopping list to help choose foods high in nutrition and low in calories. See attached PDF. For more information, see the Avoid Frailty website.

Recorded Webinar: Enhancing Cultural Competency for Community Organizations

Intercultural Working Group

On July 7, 2020, the Intercultural Working Group (under the CBSS Leadership Council hosted by the United Way of Lower Mainland) hosted this webinar to give an overview of the Intercultural Working group mandate and current work and to introduce the new Multicultural Supports for Older Adults group

The Place of Assisted Living in BC’s Seniors Care System: Assessing the promise, reality and challenges

Karen-Marie Elah Perry

This report—The Place of Assisted Living in BC’s Seniors Care System: Assessing the Promise, Reality and Challenges—shows that problems in seniors’ care are not isolated to long-term care, but are symptoms of a larger crisis in our fragmented system of home- and community-based health care.

BC Rural Health Network Newsletter July 2020


The BC Rural Health Network (BCRHN) consists of healthcare advocacy organizations working in cooperation with healthcare policymakers. The purpose of the Network is to promote and support a health services system that improves and sustains the health and well-being of residents of rural communities

Engaging Older Men in Physical Activity: Implications for Health Promotion Practice

Manpreet Kaur Gill Thandi, Alison Phinney, John L. Oliffe, Sabrina Wong, Heather McKay, Joanie Sims-Gould, and Simran Sahota.

According to Health Canada (2016), only about 11% of older men meet recommended guidelines for physical activity, and participation decreases as men age. This places men at considerable risk of poor health, including an array of chronic diseases. A demographic shift toward a greater population of le

Webinar: Seniors' Homelessness in BC

This webinar was broadcasted on June 25, 2020. Across North America, the number of older adults who are at-risk of or experiencing homelessness is increasing – and BC is no exception. Dr. Sarah Canham will review the current state of homelessness among older adults; present community-based researc


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