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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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[Video] Indigenous Fall Prevention Symposium

CFPC Fall Prevention

The Indigenous Fall Prevention Symposium was held in Newfoundland, June 11, 2018. This pivotal event marks the beginning of an international network on this important issue

[Infographic] Affordability of Healthy Eating in BC 2022


See downloadable PDF below for full infographic

[Resource] Canada-Wide Elder Abuse Network Locator


Click HERE to find Provincial and Territorial Elder Abuse NetworksThe Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing the abuse of older adults in Canada. It is a collaborative network that brings together individuals, organiza

Webinar Recording: UNDRIP & You

Real Estate Foundation of BC

The governments of Canada and BC have adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as their framework for reconciliation. But what does this mean for your organization and its work?Nonprofits, foundations, and local governments have important roles to play in advancing

Guide outlines 10 Ways Local Government Can Propel Positive Social Change

Tamarack Institute

The Tamarack Institute is offering a guide titled 10 Ways Local Government Can Propel Positive Social Change. As communities face increasingly complex social challenges, local governments face a call to action. The guide outlines how to lead and work better together with others as communities pivo

Dr. Catherine Donnelly | Neighbours helping neighbours age well at home

Dr. Catherine Donnelly

“Neighbours helping neighbours age well at home”This talk was sponsored by the William J. Henderson Foundation Dr. Catherine Donnelly Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy and Department of Family Medicine Director, Health Services and Policy Research Institute We often take the

New Documentary: Voices of Diversity

Rexdale Community Health Centre

Voices of Diversity is a documentary film produced by the Rexdale Community Health Centre in Ontario, Canada. This project is funded by the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program. When voices of diversity share wisdom, those speaking and those listening are both empowered. Storytell

Webinar Recording: Aging Lives Uprooted: Welcoming and Supporting Older Refugees to Canadian Communities

OACAO in collaboration with HelpAge Canada and CORE Canada

This webinar painted a picture of the older adult refugee experience in Canada, including the effects of fleeing conflict zones, the process of seeking asylum, and what it means to have lost everything. We heard from those working in the field - nationally, provincially, and locally – who shared t

Black History Month Informational Graphics

Balanced Supply of Housing Research Cluster

With respect to Black History Month, we wanted to highlight the ongoing systemic discrimination against Black Canadians within our housing structures. In these graphics, we provide background into the problem, focussing specifically on Hogans Alley and Africville, and present solutions identified by


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