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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Webinar Recording: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day June, 2022

CanAge, CNPEA, Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and the BC Association of Community Response Networks would like to thank those who took part in the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day event on June 15, where people gathered to remind the world that human rights don’t get old.  If you missed the event

Webinar Recording: Healthy Public Policy: Equitable Extreme Heat Planning with Northern Health

BC Healthy Communities (BCHC)

In collaboration with partners in communities across the province, BC Healthy Communities (BCHC) is continuing its speaker series to bring fresh ideas for healthy public policy to local and Indigenous government leaders in B.C. Healthy public policy is a powerful tool for local governments to meanin

Recorded Webinar: Invisible No More- A Continuum of Care for Elder Rights & Long-Term Care Justice in Canada

Canadian Federation of University Women CFUW

Co-presented by CFUW, HelpAge Canada, Canadian Health Coalition, & Ontario Health Coalition, this webinar discussed the human rights of older people and current services & programs in place to help them age with dignity. Speakers included:

Recorded Webinar: The Practical Guide to the Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada

United Way British Columbia

Webinar originally took place on May 9th, 2022. The new and improved Practical Guide to Elder Abuse and Neglect Law in Canada was launched in April 2022. The new bilingual (English and French) Guide is a plain language, searchable website with information on all areas of law relevant to elder abuse

Recorded Webinar: Promoting health for older adults – Webinar series

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health

The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) and Health Promotion Canada (HPC) are collaborating on a series of webinars based on content from the book entitled Promoting the health of older adults: The Canadian experience.  In celebration of the 35th anniversary of the

Recorded Webinar: Fall and Fall-Related Injury Prevention Screening and Assessment Webinar Series: Where to begin? It starts with screening

Loop Community of Practice

On January 18th, Brian Hyndman, PhD, Denise Beaton, and Dr. Richard Louis presented the first webinar for Loop’s fall risk screening and assessment webinar series. The webinar presents key findings from an environmental scan and practitioner survey of fall risk screening and assessment clinical pr

Recorded Webinar: The Men’s Shed Movement Around the World

United Way British Columbia

This webinar was held on November 2nd, 2021. A Men’s Shed is a community-based group that provides a safe, friendly, inclusive environment to gather and participate in activities. The purpose of a Men’s Shed is to advance health and well-being of members and foster positive engagement within th

Recorded Webinar: Summit Preview Keynote Series: What is Social Prescribing?

United Way British Columbia

Social prescribing - the practice of medical practitioners connecting patients to community supports to improve health and well-being - was pioneered in the U.K .and is now gaining a foothold in Canada. Hear from our panelists: Dr. Marie Anne Essam, Dr. Grace Park, and Sonia Hsiung on what Social Pr

Recorded Webinar: Closing the Gaps– Advancing Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults

United Way BC

This webinar features Dr. Samir Sinha, lead author of the recent Canadian Red Cross and National Institute on Aging White Paper that offers evidence-informed expert recommendations to Improve Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults Across Canada. The webinar was hosted by Un


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