Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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​Declaration of the Community-Based Seniors' Services Sector in B.C.
Sign on to this Declaration to ensure that:
Community-Based Seniors’ Services are formally recognized as a sector that plays an essential role in supporting seniors’ independence, resilience and social connectedness.
The definition of the Community-Based Seniors’ Services (or CBSS) sector in
​Strategies for Outreach / Engagement on the Declaration of the Community-Based Seniors’ Services Sector in B.C.
Provides tips and strategies for engaging to local government, elected representatives, community organizations, businesses, and individuals in understanding the value of community based seniors' services and supporting them in local communities.
​Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Seniors Network Terms of Reference
Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Katzie Seniors' Network
The Seniors Network promotes and supports working in collaboration with community members, in order to improve the health and well-being of seniors in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Katzie.
​Age Friendly Community Initiative Advisory Committee: Terms of Reference
​Nelson Age Friendly Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee of the Age Friendly Community Initiative is a community stakeholder group committed to addressing the needs of seniors living in Nelson BC and area.
​Seniors Transportation: Affordable, Appropriate, and Available
​Seniors' Advocate
The report (May 2018) highlights that getting a person from point A to B does not totally capture the transportation needs of frail and vulnerable seniors. Many seniors may have the physical ability to take a bus or use HandyDART, but they have cognitive challenges that require someone to accompany
Canadian Fall Prevention Education Collaborative (CFPEC) and Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum (CFPC)
Resources to learn more about Fall Prevention
​Raising the Profile Project: Findings and Recommendations from the Community Consultations
​Marcy Cohen and Christine Spinder
This report focuses on the increasingly critical role played by not-for-profit and municipal seniors’ support services – referred to in this report as the Community-Based Seniors’ Services (CBSS) sector – in enabling seniors to “age in place” by supporting them to remain physically activ
​Sunshine Coast Community Resource Centre: Success After Sixty
​Sunshine Coast Community Resource Centre
Success after Sixty is a program that envisions a community where all of its members 60+ are healthy, save and secure, socially engaged, and valued. This program is senior-led and volunteer driven.
​Life satisfaction among Canadian seniors, 2016
​Barayandema , Athanase; Uppal, Sharanjit
This study uses the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home to provide a recent assessment of the life satisfaction of seniors in Canada. It includes information on overall life satisfaction, as well as information on nine domains of life: standard of living; health; life achievemen
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