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Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives profiled on Healthy Aging CORE provide examples of the important work being done by local, provincial, and national organizations and the value of these programs and initiatives in promoting health and well-being and fostering resilience for older adults seniors.

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Golden Seniors Table - The Seniors Lunch Program

“It is so much more than soup”. This is how seniors in Golden, B.C describe the Seniors Lunch Program that’s run by the Community Response Network and Golden Community Resources Society. Launch

The Sunshine Coast Seniors Planning Table - Seniors' Social Isolation

The Sunshine Coast Seniors’ Planning Table (SCSPT) is a program of the Sunshine Coast Resource Centre. Formed in 2015, it brings together over 20 organizations, agencies, the community, and

Whole Way House Society - Meal Delivery Program

On the Downtown East Side of Vancouver, Whole Way House Society (WWHS) has been reaching out to and supporting vulnerable seniors and veterans who are at risk of homelessness since its founding in 20

The Tri-Cities Seniors Planning Network - Worldfest, a Seniors Celebration of Culture

Dancing, singing, and a complement of musicians from many different cultures was what over 800 festival attendees experienced during World Fest, A Seniors’ Celebration of Cultures, in the summer of

Southern Vancouver Island & Southern Gulf Islands Seniors Planning Table

The Southern Vancouver Island and Southern Gulf Islands Seniors Planning Table (SVI/SGI SPT) was established in 2018 as an outcome of the Provincial Summit on Aging held in November, 2017. Local Senio

Coquitlam Men's Shed Society

The Coquitlam Men’s Shed Society is an independent organization dedicated to men’s physical and mental health. This Shed is a member of the Men’s Shed Association of BC as well as Men’s Shed

Autumn Services - V.I.P. HAPPYMEALS

Autumn Services has created V.I.P. HAPPYMEALS, a social and nutritional support program that provides healthy meals to seniors living in Fraser Lake in Northern BC. This program was started

Archway Community Services - Mobile Seniors Outreach Program

During the COVID-19 pandemic communities have been struggling with how to support vulnerable members in their neighbourhoods, especially their seniors who are most likely to be impacted. "I am deligh

Family Caregivers of British Columbia - Greater Victoria Caregiver Support Program 

  “I care about a caregiver, and I am not alone” says Jim LaMorte, a Family Caregiver of BC community member that created a Circle of Support for his friend and family caregiver, Art.  Family


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