Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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ENGAGING OLDER WOMEN IN YOUR COMMUNITY A Promising Practices Guide for Women’s and Senior ServingOrganizations
By Krista James and Raissa Lea Dickinson
Engaging Older Women in your Community is a promising practices tool developed as an outcome of the Older Women’s Dialogue Project (OWDP). The publication is intended to support your agency to anticipate and address structural barriers to the participation of older women in community initiatives a
Monitoring Seniors Services 2018
Office of the Seniors Advocate British Columbia
The Office of the Seniors Advocate’s (OSA) fourth annual Monitoring Seniors Services report looks at programs and services offered to seniors in B.C. and measures performance on a year over year basis.
Report highlights include:
The number of home support clients decreased 1.4% to 43,831 in 20
Beyond the Conversation
Beyond The Conversation exists to engage, empower, and inspire seniors, new immigrants, refugees, and youth. We are a volunteer-led initiative who are driven to use the English language as a vehicle to foster a sense of belonging, self-confidence, and connection to the community.
Our goal is to off
Age-Friendly Workplace Charter
​Government of Canada
Customizable Charter for Workplaces
We are an age-friendly workplace
We believe:
Age-friendly workplaces promote healthy aging and diversity.
Hiring persons of all ages, including older workers, can contribute to our overall success.
Older workers' experience is an asset to the orga
​Government of Canada
The earlier you start planning, the more prepared you will be to respond to changes that may occur as you age such as changes in your health, mobility or social connections. To successfully plan ahead, you need to start thinking about how you want to live as you age and what steps you need to take t
Promoting the labour force participation of older Canadians
​Government of Canada
Based on an extensive pan-Canadian and international scan, eight broad categories of initiatives that seek to promote labour force participation of older individuals have been identified (see Chapter 2 for more details): awareness initiatives; financial incentives; health and safety; employment legi
Balancing work and caregiving responsibilities
​Government of Canada
As an employee and caregiver, you may face challenges trying to balance your work, your caregiving responsibilities and your own health and personal life. A good first step to help you manage your caregiving responsibilities is to plan ahead by thinking about possible next steps in your caregiving r
Care conversations, it’s about you and the person you support
​Government of Canada
Over 8 million Canadians currently care for someone they know and this number is expected to increase as a result of Canada’s aging population. You will likely need to support someone you know who has a physical disability, a mental health challenge, a long-term illness or a degenerative disease.
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