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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Anti-Ageism in the Workplace

City of Toronto

Ageism is the most socially accepted, normalized and tolerated form of discrimination today. It is the stereotyping and discrimination against individuals or groups based on their age. Ageism, like racism and sexism stems, from the assumption that all people of a group (i.e. older people) are the sa

Webinar: WEAAD Interactive Online Panel Discussion with Canadian Experts

WEAAD (World Elder Abuse Awareness Day) is marked each year on June 15. It is an official United Nations International Day acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. Since 2006, communities throughout the country and around the world have honoured this d

Webinar: Motivational Interviewing

Healthy Aging CORE, Phillip Santiago

On June 11, 2020, Healthy Aging CORE hosted this recorded webinar on Motivational Interviewing with panelist Philipp Santiago, the Clinical Lead for Occupational Therapy and Mental Health & Substance Use for Rehabilitation & Recovery Services at Fraser Health.  Motivational interviewing

Aging and Frailty in First Nations Communities

First Nations Information Governance Centre Head Office & Jennifer Walker

This study, the first published overview of aging in a nationally representative sample of First Nations seniors, used data from the First Nations Regional Health Survey Phase 2 (FNRHS 2). It is also the first application of a validated frailty index to describe aging experiences in First Nations co

Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations


Cyber-Seniors is committed to keeping senior citizens socially connected while remaining safe in their homes. The Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and connect generations through technology.  It does so through the development and dissemination of resources that enable comm

Nutrition databases: UnlockFoods and PEN (Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition)

Dieticians of Canada

UnlockFood.ca has information on nutrition, food and healthy eating as well as recipes, videos and interactive healthy eating tools. The content on UnlockFood.ca focuses on healthy eating through the lifecycle (from infants to seniors) as well as chronic disease prevention.  Popular content include

Vancouver sustainable food systems and strategies

The City of Vancouver

The City of Vancouver's Food and Sustainable Food Systems webpage (see link below) provide a variety of resources related to food security in the community. This includes resources related to growing food locally within Vancouver (e.g., urban agriculture, community gardens) and buying and sharing lo

ATTENTION: Income Tax Deadline for Seniors Receiving GIS

Heather Wallman

Hello Everyone! As service providers are sometimes the only people with whom some seniors interact during the pandemic, we thought disseminating some very important information from the federal government via CORE may find its way to seniors. In sum, the letter states that seniors who receive the

Project Impact Healthy Aging Virtual Showcase - June 2020

Healthy Aging by United Way

In celebration of Seniors' Week, on June 4th, Healthy Aging by United Way hosted an event to showcase the final projects of this year’s Project Impact Healthy Aging teams. An intensive developmental evaluation course focused on programs for older adults, Project Impact Healthy Aging increases non-


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