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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Knowledge Translation among Canadian Researchers in the Field of Physical Activity

Active Aging Canada

The mission of Active Aging Canada is to support lifelong healthy active aging of adult Canadians through participation, education, research, and promotion. Our mission is supported by one of our key roles; the facilitation of knowledge translation of active aging research into practice. This proces

Addressing Stigma: Towards a More Inclusive Health System (2019)

Public Health Agency of Canada

Every year, the Chief Public Health Officer writes a report on the state of public health in Canada. These reports raise the profile of public health issues and stimulate dialogue. They can also lead to action in improving and protecting the health of Canadians. This year’s report first provides

Cohort profile: The Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts (CanCHECs)

Michael Tjepkema, Tanya Christidis, Tracey Bushnik and Lauren Pinaul

Abstract The Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts (CanCHECs) are population-based linked datasets of the household population at the time of census collection. The CanCHECs combine data from respondents to the long-form census or the National Household Survey between 1991 and 2011 with ad

Trends in mortality inequalities among the adult household population

Emma Marshall-Catlin, Tracey Bushnik and Michael Tjepkema

Abstract Background: The routine measurement of population health status indicators like mortality is important to assess progress in the reduction of inequalities. Previous studies of mortality inequalities have relied on area-based measures of socioeconomic indicators. A new series of census-mort

Planning for a Build-Out of Affordable Rental Housing in Metro Vancouver

Marc Lee

New investments from the British Columbia and federal governments indicate a modest revival of public non-market housing, but as this report explains these investments must be ramped up significantly to meet the affordable housing needs of Metro Vancouver.  To fully address Metro Vancouver’s hou

Community Planning Tool - Applying a Health Equity Lens to Program Planning

Fraser Health

Fraser Health Authority has developed this planning tool to support programs who are trying to address physical, social, mental, and emotional health in their communities. The tool is organized into seven distinct steps of program plan and can be used by individuals and teams. It includes: works

When a Hub Becomes Home: Placing Seniors at the Heart of B.C.’s Communities

BC Care Providers Association

Through this scoping paper, entitled When a Hub Becomes Home: Placing Seniors at the Heart of B.C.’s Communities, BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) outlines the concept of Continuing Care Hubs, where older adults are better connected, and therefore less isolated, more healthy and happier. Too

Monitoring Seniors Services 2019

Office of the Seniors' Advocate

The Monitoring Seniors Services report focuses on key services in the province that fall under the Advocate’s legislated mandate. It highlights where seniors’ needs are being met and where improvements are most needed. Access to health care, appropriate housing, adequate transportation, enough

West End Seniors’ Network:Issues Facing Older Adult Renters in the West End of Vancouver (August 2019)

West End Seniors' Network

This report provides an overview of the results of a survey administered by the West End Seniors’ Network (WESN) on challenges to older adult renters in Vancouver’s West End neighbourhood.


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