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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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Toolkit materials and program: Active Living with Chronic Conditions

Self-Management Programs, University of Victoria

The Self-Management Programs at the University of Victoria have developed and shared 2 new toolkits for those living with chronic conditions. A brief description is provided here - please see and share the attached posters for more information. 1. Tool Kit for Active Living with Chronic Conditions

Revelstoke Video Aims to Educate Youth on Elder Abuse

The Revelstoke Community Response Network recently released a video to help educate youth on elder abuse and neglect. Take Time for Seniors is meant to build empathy, curiosity and interest towards seniors and their stories, said the network in a news release. The video asks youths to reflect on t

Health Reports: Social Isolation and Mortality Among Canadian Seniors

Statistics Canada

The impact of social isolation and loneliness on health and well-being is recognized globally as a public health issue. Currently, many Canadians are experiencing social isolation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic—seniors in particular are advised to physically isolate themselves to reduce the

Webinar: Innovative and Effective Approaches to Volunteering

Annwen Loverin, Diane Willman, Brenda Gardiner

In 2019, Annwen Loverin, Diane Willman, and Brenda Gardiner hosted a webinar on innovative and effective approaches to volunteering. See attached webpage link for recorded webinar. See powerpoint slides here.  *This webinar recording was originally posted to the Better at Home Hub.

Recorded Webinar: Alzheimer's Society series on understanding dementia (with slides)

Alzheimer Society BC

In 2018-2019, the Alzheimer Society BC hosted a series of webinars on dementia. See the recorded webinars: *This webinar recording was originally posted to the Better at Home Hub. See attached documents for Q&A follow ups and click here for the powerpoint slides. 

Recorded Webinar: Reframing Aging

John Beilenson, Krista Brown, Frameworks Institute

In 2018, John Beilenson,President of Strategic Communications & Planning (SCP), and Krista Brown, Director of Education at the American Society on Aging, hosted a webinar on reframing aging - providing an introduction to research-based messaging strategies for aging advocates and communicato

Recorded Webinar (United Way Healthy Aging): Death and Dying

Stephen Garrett

In 2018, Stephen Garret, hosted two webinars on death and dying.  *This webinar recording was originally posted to the Better at Home Hub.

Webinar: Leadership and Communication (BH/AVRBC Volunteer Management Series 2018)

Aaron Solly, Kerry Vega

Aaron Solly - Workplace Trainer, Educator and Counsellor from Kerry Vega - hosted a webinar on Leadership and Communication as part of the 2018 Volunteer Management Webinar Series with Better at Home Programs and AVRBC Members. See attached webpage link for recorded webinar. See powerpoint slide

Webinar: Piloting new volunteer programs (BH/AVRBC Volunteer Management Series 2018)

Lindsay Baker, Vancouver Aquarium

Lindsay Baker from Volunteer Services at the Vancouver Aquarium hosted a webinar on piloting new volunteer programs from inception to evaluation as part of the 2018 Volunteer Management Webinar Series with Better at Home Programs and AVRBC Members. See attached webpage link for recorded webinar.


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