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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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9 Ways Charities and Nonprofits are Adapting to COVID-19

Emily Jensen

  The COVID_19 crisis has hit the charitable and nonprofit sector quickly, to devastating results. Our team has heard from organizations across the country about what they’re experiencing. Many of these stories reveal unprecedented struggle, but we’re also hearing hopeful stories of organizat

Tips: Healthy Eating, Spending Less - adapted versions for Chinese, South Asian, Latin Americans, and Caribbean and African populations

Dieticians of Canada

The Dieticians of Canada have developed “Healthy Eating While Spending Less” guidelines and have made adapted versions for different cultural groups, including South Asian, Latin Americans, Chinese, and African and Caribbean, as well as in different languages (i.e., French, Spanish, Chinese, Pu

Sector Monitor: Charities and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Imagine Canada

This report summarizes the responses of 1,458 leaders of charities who answered an online survey between April 15th and April 28th. All responses are weighted by organization size, activity area, region, principal source of revenue, and the presence of paid staff to produce estimates more representa

Self Management BC Programs for Adults of Any Age Living With One or Multiple Ongoing Health Conditions

University of Victoria Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health; Self-Management British Columbia and Self-Management Resource Center.

Put Life Back In Your Life. Join a free health program and participate online, by telephone, or independently. There are four programs to choose from: Better Choices, Better Health Online Self-Management Program The Self-Management Health Coach Program The Tool Kit for Active Living with Chr

Toolkit: Seniors Engagement

City of New Westminster

This toolkit was developed to help service providers engage seniors in municipal planning and development processes. Demographic information and special considerations specific to the City of New Westminster are included, however, most of the toolkit is generalizable to other communities across

The Future Cost of Long-term care in Canada

National Institute on Ageing

This paper builds on Statistics Canada’s population microsimulation model to project the future costs of long-term care in Canada to the public purse, as well as the unpaid care provided to Canadian seniors by their families.

Why Canada Needs to Better Care for Its Working Caregivers

National Institute on Ageing

This white paper sets the context, outlines the current challenges faced by caregivers, and makes the five evidence-informed recommendations to support policy and practice approaches governments and employers can implement to provide better support to current and future working caregivers

Roles and experience of geriatric social workers during disaster response

Journal of Gerontological Social Work

This is a letter written to the Editor-In-Chief fo the Journal of Gerontological Social Work outline the ways that social work’s role can enhance older adults’ well-being and safety in disaster events. It outlines roles that social workers should have in disaster preparedness and response, as th

Academic paper: Social Isolation in Older adults during COVID-19

The Journal of Nutrition, Heath and Aging

This paper discusses the prevalence of social isolation in general for older adults as well as the implications for social workers serving this populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic offers unique learning opportunities for social workers and other health professionals for


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