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CANADA | Feb 10, 2025

[News/Video] 'Men's Shed' providing a supportive space for Innisfail men

The group Men's Shed Canada is providing spaces for men to bond over their life experiences, socialize and work on projects that benefit their communities.


Federal Government Pre-Budget Consultations

Canadians are invited to Share Their Priorities of the 2025 Federal Budget

Why increasing Canada’s health budget for preventive and social care makes sense fiscally and medically

public health programs should be led by specialized community connectors who link patients with local services and resources.

A 'hopeless' feeling: Struggling seniors face sky-high rents and few, if any, options

A 'hopeless' feeling: Struggling seniors face sky-high rents and few, if any, optionsSlightly more than 1/5th of Canada's seniors who live in private dwellings are rentersRon Sept is getting desperate

[Advocacy] Seniors Climate Action Day, October 1st 2024 – An opportunity to engage!

Seniors for Climate, a Canada-wide, senior-led climate project, is inviting seniors across Canada to plan climate actions on October 1st, National Seniors Day. We need action now, later is too late! F

[Opportunity] Healthy Aging Visual Art Prize

The goal of the Healthy Aging Visual Art Prize is to bring together researchers, trainees, artists, older adults, and other members of the public through a visual art contest and exhibitions that wi

[Research Study] Allies in Health - Health and Adult Development lab UBC

In the Allies in Health study, we are aiming to better understand how groups of individuals and their study partner (referred to as dyads) navigate their everyday activities and how dyad members shape

[Announcement] The Chrysalis Innovation Challenge

Calling all changemakers! Are you passionate about creating a better future for older adults? Do you have a brilliant idea, program, or technology that empowers them to live with choice, dignity, and

[Research Study] COVID medications to help adults feel better faster

A national study evaluated the effectiveness or current and future Covid-19 medications is now recruiting participants in Alberta


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